I always knew that someday I would make a feature film – I just had no idea that I would end up being the subject!  I’ll have to admit, in the beginning, making Numb was extremely exciting.  I was embarking on a journey that I had no idea how it would turn out.  You can see how enthusiastic I am as I start cutting my dose.  But as the days go by, you can really see the impact of the withdrawal - and how fast my mental and physical state deteriorates.  As I was filming, I kept thinking that there was no way that I was going to let other people see me in this condition – but luckily, I kept the cameras rolling.

Post-production was a long, difficult process.  I wasn’t too excited about reliving the experience again and again in the edit suite – but I also knew that I couldn’t keep what I learned and experienced to myself.  This was a story I had to tell – as personal and painful as it is – I had no other choice.

In the end, Numb took a great toll on me – it challenged my relationships, depleted my savings and threatened me physically and mentally – but I couldn’t be more proud of the work.  As tough as the subject matter it is – and as difficult as it is to talk about – that’s exactly what we all need to do.

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